220+ Most Badass Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Hey are you looking for Badass Quotes and Captions for your Instagram Photos? Then you are on right place. In this page we have shared more than 200 Most badass quotes and Badass captions which may help you to choose the best one.

What is Badass?

Badass is the term used to describe someone Impressive, Unconventional and in fearless way. Badass term often used to Confidence, Courage, Independence, Skill and Attitude.

These People display bravery and face challenges head on without fear. they are self reliant and capable of taking care of themselves. They can bounce back from difficult situations. This “Badass” term also used to describe someone who is physically strong and capable of combat.

Badass Quotes

Checkout the Amazing list of Badass Quotes.

Badass quotes.
  • Make money not girlfriends.
  • Don’t be slave in Heaven, Be a king in Hell.
  • Ex: Hi! what’s up? Me: My standards By.
  • Don’t come back when you realized I’m rare.
  • Hate me or Date me, I don’t give a F**k.
  • I never insult people, I only tell what they are.
  • Don’t judge me, You can’t handle half of what I’ve survived.
  • The pain of today is victory of tomorrow.
  • If you think you’re Bad, I’m your Dad.
  • Focused on becoming better me.
  • Smile because nobody cares about your tears.
  • I’m the baddest of all the f**king badass. 
  • Train your mind to be stronger than your body. 
  • The world is full of players, just be a game changer.
  • Keep that fake love away from me.
  • Real is rare and fake is everything.
  • People eyes tell me more than their mouth.
  • Don’t dare show to show your attitude on me, because you won’t be able to handle mine. 
  • I’m not heartless, I just learned how to use my heart less
  • Don’t look for my heart, the beasts have eaten it.
  • Even sun can’t shine all day.
  • I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
  • Silence is the mother of truth.
  • Long live the reckless and the brave.
  • If I to quite and smiling, you need to run.
  • Never bend your head, hold it high, look the world straight in the eye.
  • I’m Sexy and I know it.
  • Dare to be alone that’s when ideas are born.
  • I’m really a nice person, until you piss me off.
  • Learn to sit back and observe, not everything need reaction.
  • Its better to be a lonely lion than a popular sheep.
  • I’m motivated by the fear of being an average.
  • I need new haters, the old ones became my fan.
  • Keep your toxic negativity away from me.
  • Pain shapes person into a warrior.
  • Love is rare, Life is strange, nothing lasts, people change.
  • Loyalty is rare If you find it keep it.
  • One wrong move everyone starts judging.
  • Be your own inspiration.
  • Your mind is weapon, keep it loaded.
  • Nowadays I see humans but not humanity. 
  • Blocking is for weak people, I want you to see me and cry.
  • Temporary people give permanent  Pains.

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Most Badass Quotes

Here is the Amazing list of Most Badass Quotes..

most badass quotes
  • Don’t judge my choices If you don’t understand My reasons.
  • If you want to be strong, learn how to be alone. 
  • Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go.
  • The naked truth is always better than a dressed lie.
  • Chase success not girls.
  • If you don’t like me, Take a map. Get a car, Drive to hell and have a nice trip. 
  • Don’t fall for sweet words, Fall for sweet efford.
  • If you ran like your mouth you would be in shape.
  • It seems the more successful I become, the more I become the bad guy.
  • Hell is empty and all the devils are here. 
  • A negative mind will never give you a positive life.
  • Some scars can only be see by you yourself.
  • Loving a wrong person is like self harm.
  • Dear me I will make one day proud.
  • Ego never expect the truth.
  • Move on she not your destination.
  • If you want to be great stop asking permissions. 
  • Be forgiving, Be understanding but don’t be a fool.
  • Birds born in cages usually think that flying is an illness.
  • I don’t care if you don’t like me, I was not born to impress you.
  • The truth I can’t explain, You can’t understand. 
  • I hate two faced people, Its so hard to decide which face to slap first.
  • Hunt or Be haunted.
  • I’m having heart of king, and mind of a hustler.
  • Lets make a money baby, we can fall in love later.
  • First it hurts then it changes you.
  • Your Knife, My back. My gun, your Head.
  • The less you care, the more they care.
  • I’m mirror for you, you’re good, I’m best. you’re bad, I’m worst.
  • Don’t sell the moon to buy a candle.
  • My story is not over until I win.
  • You made me realize that everything comes with expiry date.
  • People always miss you when you’re good and doing good.
  • Once you fall in love with yourself their Game is Over.
  • Turn your scars into stars.
  • Haters and Dogs both bark.
  • Say it ti my face, If you have balls.
  • Your I can is more important than your IQ.
  • I want to be a baddest person on the earth, unfortunately nowadays, The person who speaks the truth is the baddest person.
  • Karma has everybody’s address even If you’re homeless. 
  • I love the sound when you shut up.
  • Love is like fire, either It will worm you or burn you.
  • Keep smiling and one day life will get tired upsetting you.
  • No pain No gain shut up and Train.

Best Badass Quotes

Checkout the list of Best Badass Quotes.

badass captions..
  • Only dead fish go with the flow.
  • I feel bad for the people, who never go crazy and enjoy.
  • When life f**ks you change the position and
  • If you don’t like where you are move, you are not a tree.
  • I don’t need a weapon, I am one.
  • Teachers only teach the rules, but winners make the rule.
  • We are born from the stars, we will die with stars.
  • Trust me, Self love will never hurt you.
  • It’s hard to win , It hurts to loose but It kills you to give up.
  • A king need kingdom to be a king not a queen, remember that.
  • The goal is not to be rich, It is to be legend.
  • I love sarcasm its like punching people on face but, with words.
  • Its ok some people dislike you, not everyone has good taste.
  • Light is easy to love, show me your dreams.
  • I’m strong man because a strong woman raised me.
  • I may be bad but I’m perfectly good at that. 
  • I’m not cigarette that you’ll smoke and crush, I’m a drug baby you’ll beg for me.
  • Your biggest was thinking that I need you.
  • No none is ever too busy, you’re just not important enough.
  • My attitude is result of your actions, So if you don’t like me my attitude blame yourself. 
  • Villains are broken heroes. 
  • I’m no longer following my heart, That bitch gives me wrong direction. 
  • Things that are bad always tastes nice.
  • Don’t let broken heart break you up financially.
  • How people treat is their karma, how you react is yours.
  • Heart breaks and tears build into a stronger person.
  • Sometimes you need disconnect and enjoy your own company.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others, because no one can play your role better than you.
  • Don’t judge me by my past, I don’t live there anymore. 
  • Stop trying to please others, You’ll get hurt without knowing.
  • People F**k with your feelings, until you have no feelings.
  • Villain is the one who helps a hero to become a superhero.
  • I may not be perfect but I’m not fake and I’m proud of it.
  • You have to be odd, to be number one.
  • Be valuable not available.
  • If you are loving someone who doesn’t love you back, then you’re waiting for ship in the airport.
  • I don’t really hate you, but If I had a water and you’re on fire, I would drink it.
  • The sky is above me, Earth is below me, people are around me, but the devil is within me.
  • The person with an innocent heart and an evil mind is best combination ever.
  • If you think money can’t buy the happiness, then transfer it to my account. 
  • People love the good until they find the better.
  • There is always voice in my head telling me I’m not good enough. 
  • Happiness is the best revenge.
  • Life is too short to live the same day twice. 

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Badass Captions for Instagram

Best Badass Captions for Instagram you can also use these Captions for Facebook and other social media platforms.

badass captions for instagram.
  • Of course, I changed, I realized that I deserve so much better.
  • My life is Mystery, I’m here to create the history.
  • They asked ‘How are you’, I am Fine and I Rep ‘lied’.
  • Ice melt when heated, eyes melt when cheated.
  • Pain is not always in tears, sometimes it’s in smile.
  • All we need is one more day to show our demon. 
  • Don’t cry for someone, who killed your smile. 
  • If someone corrects you and you feel offended then you have an ego problem. 
  • You have to be strongest, when you are feeling you are weakest. 
  • I don’t sacrifice anything, I make choices.
  • The more I found myself, the more people I lose. 
  • You were made original, don’t die an copy.
  • Have no feelings, feel no pain.
  • I hope karma will slap you, before I do.
  • Don’t let people too much about you.
  • Just like weather people change.
  • Burn the past turn the page and move on.
  • I forgive people by forgetting them.
  • I am loyal to who is loyal to me.
  • An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan.
  • Rules are for sheep.
  • May be If I fall in love with depression, It will leave me to.
  • If beauty matters, My dog is more beautiful than you.
  • The biggest kick to your enemies is your success.
  • Love is not stupid people are.
  • Always aim to be number one.
  • Eagles don’t hangout with chickens.
  • He said to be cool, but I’m already coolest.
  • I’m beyond your thinking.
  • You can it being alone, I call it enjoying own company.
  • Love is air and air is polluted.
  • Your mind is weapon keep it open.
  • Once you realized your worth nothing can stop you.
  • Sun is alone to but still shines.
  • Be you the world will adjust.
  • Don’t wear brand, be a brand.
  • I don’t get lucky, I make my own luck.
  • treat yourself like someone who loved.
  • After someone hurt you, you are not the same anymore.
  • Life goes on, with your or without you.
  • Its not a secret, It’s just none of your business.
  • Stay real, Stay loyal or stay away from me
  • Be like a drug, let them die for you.
  • Be yourself, you’re not born to impress anyone.

Badass Captions for Boys

Checkout the Badass Captions for Boys Instagram Pictures.

Badass Captions for Boys
  • If I fall I raise back up, If I fail try again.
  • Patience is also form of action.
  • Not everyone likes, but not everyone matters.
  • Sweet as sugar, Hard as Ice, hurt me once I’ll kill you twice. 
  • I’m hot dude with cool attitude.
  • Don’t blame distractions, learn to improve focus.
  • I don’t need you approval to be me.
  • My middle finger salutes your attitude.
  • The day I hate u, that day I fall in love with myself.
  • If you see me less, I’m doing more.
  • My back is not a voicemail, say it on my face.
  • Its Ok to be a freak.
  • I’m not perfect, but I’m limited addition.
  • You can’t be strong all the time, sometimes you just need to be alone and let your tears out.
  • Once I’m gone, I’m gone, I’ll never return into your life.
  • Every girl is beautiful, It just take the right filter to see it.
  • Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.
  • Life is not perfect, but my hair is.
  • I’m the writer of my own story and one day the whole world will read it. 
  • Better to be a full bad guy, instead of being a good boys with bad heart.
  • Become the best version of yourself.
  • Yes I’m crazy being normal is too boring.
  • There is no place for part time people in my life.
  • Never change accepted by others, be yourself.
  • Be like a book full of mystery, Let them f**king die to read it.
  • If they want to leave you, just hold the door and open for them.
  • You cheat me once, shame on you. You cheat me twice, shame me on.
  • Friends may come and go, but villains accumulate.
  • Be addicted to your addiction, Instead of distraction. 
  • Make me angry and I’ll register your death certificate.
  • I’m not picky, I just know what I want.
  • I love it when someone mess with me, that means I don’t have to be nice anymore.
  • You can use money only if you live, Take care.
  • Respect your haters, they are the only one who think you’re the best.
  • I don’t make choices, I make moves.
  • I’m too insane to explain and you’re too normal to understand. 
  • Trust is like a gambling, never put your all trust on anyone. 
  • Everything is real but not everything true.
  • Don’t wait for opportunity create it.
  • Chill, they can copy your notes, not your intelligence.
  • Be a Badass with Good ass.
  • Those who rejected you today, They will cry for you tomorrow. 
  • The less you reveal the more you can wonder.
  • For the beauty of rose we also water the thorns.
  • An eye with dust and heart with trust always cries. 

I hope you found the Best and Most Badass Quotes and Captions for your Instagram Pictures.

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